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Zinda Bhaag

Secure Remote International Job & Earn in $£€

No more spending hours searching for job posts, then applying to 500+ posts with 1000+ other competitive applicants and getting no results.
We optimize your resume, LinkedIn, and provide you the job posts, and are available to guide you on WhatsApp anytime.
IBA Professors' Choice
No Visa Required
No Work Authorization Required
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Visible Difference in your Life

This is you, driving to work, hungry, angry, stuck in traffic, making a scene.
This is how people who joined Zinda Bhaag are living.
This is how you could be living.

How We Do It

  1.   7-Seconds Resume™️
  2.   LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  3.   Min Competition Job Posts
  4.   Max Compatible Jobs Posts
  5.   Market Demand
  6.   2.6x your odds of getting hired
Select One 👆
One 👈

7-Seconds Resume™️

A 2018 Eye-Tracking study revealed that today’s recruiters spend an average of   7.4 seconds   when skimming resumes.

We have perfected the art of catching attention with resumes in 7 seconds.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

We've been doing this since almost a year now (just the AI is in beta) so we know what the LinkedIn algorithm is looking for. Hence, we optimize your LinkedIn for   maximum visibility   and job offers.

Min Competition Job Posts

We find qualified job posts with the   minimum amount of applicants   so that your application actually gets in front of the recruiter.

Max Compatible Jobs Posts

We process   tens of 1000s of job posts   daily to find you the ones where your application would   rank the highest.   

Market Demand

Since we process such a sheer number of job posts, we know exactly what the market demands from your position.

We know the technical skills, the interpersonal skills, the responsibilites,   everything needed to know   to land you a job.

2.6x your odds of getting hired

On top of all of our strategic maneuvers, we can buy the   LinkedIn algorithm itself   to increase your odds of getting hired by 2.6x.
It is completely optional but recommended.


Please enter total years of experience

Total Fee of 3 Months:


3 Monthly Installments Of:


20% Pre-Tax Commission on Salary:

4 Months


Beta Users

No full names or real images are used to ensure their employers don't find out 😉
image of person
AA | Pakistan
IBA Professor
Data Related
image of person
SK | Canada
Product Manager
image of person
IN | Pakistan
Business Analyst
image of person
UZ | Pakistan
Business Analyst

Zinda Bhaag

  • Work remotely & earn in foreign currency ($, €, £)
  • Leave the stress of Pakistani unpredictable inflation
  • Escape from unprofessionalism & sethia culture
  • Have zero commute time & no Pakistani traffic stress
  • Take the first step towards moving abroad
9 Seats Left